
Here you can find information on interesting events from us, from our partners, as well as from third parties in our thematic areas.

For an overview of our event announcements, please go to

Connective Cities - Dialogue Events, Practitioner Workshops and more

Template: List
Resilience in Times of War

Resilience in Times of War

16/07/2024 - 18/07/2024

Call for Participation: Municipal Exchange to Strengthen Resilience and Capacity for Rebuilding…

Showcasing the Amman Urban Observatory

Showcasing the Amman Urban Observatory


Save the Date: Virtual Insight Session on 24 April 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 CEST

Promoting Sustainable Mining Industries in Southeast Europe / Caucasus

Promoting Sustainable Mining Industries in Southeast Europe / Caucasus


Invitation to the Insight Session on the city's role in promoting mining activities and the…
