Publikationen - Details

50 Municipal Climate Partnerships by 2015

2013 - Documentation of the Pilot Phase

erstellt von:

Jessica Baier, Kurt-Michael Baudach, Klaus Reuter, Moritz Schmidt

herausgegeben von:

Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt


"The growing importance of urban zones for climate change mitigation and adaptation is increasingly being recognised. This was demonstrated by the Rio+20 Conference 2012 and the Climate Summit (COP 18) in Doha – despite the manifold criticisms of their outcome. Yet cities are not just responsible for the majority of global greenhouse emissions; they are already feeling the impacts of climate change more acutely. They are home to concentrations of vulnerable population groups, as well as key infrastructure, and are often located in sensitive areas such as coastal zones. The pilot phase of the 50 Municipal Climate Partnerships by 2015 project involved nine German cities together with their partners in Tanzania, Ghana and South Africa. The Service Agency (a division of Engagement Global) and LAG 21 NRW used it to tap the extensive municipal expertise available, and develop effective measures to fight global climate change by devising bilateral programmes of action."


English, German





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