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Heat in the City

2024 - Dokumentation der Connective Cities Deep-Dive-Veranstaltung vom 3. bis 6. Juni in Heidelberg

Connective Cities

Towards the Just City in Kenya


Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Provision of Water, Wastewater & Urban Mobility Services in Sub Saharan Africa

2020 - Connective Cities Virtual Dialogue Event, 7th to 18th September, 2020

Connective Cities

Used Vehicles and the Environment

2020 - A Global Overview of Used Light Duty Vehicles: Flow, Scale and Regulation


Towards a Financing Mechanism for Slum Upgrading at Scale in Nairobi

2019 - Bridging the Affordability Gap


Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

2017 - Report of the UN Secretary-General


Managing Informality: Local government practices and approaches towards the informal economy in Africa.

2014 - Learning examples from five African countries

GIZ / SA LED Network / SALGA and LEDNA
