Connective Cities
NEWSLETTER - EDITION No. 68, January 2024

Dear readers,

The year 2024 has begun and with it our annual planning. Even if everything has not been yet finalized, we would like to take this opportunity to outline where our content will be focused.

We will continue the ongoing regional learning processes:

In sub-Saharan Africa, we will continue to explore the topic of "flood management for risk-informed urban development" in greater depth, including through expert missions to participating cities from February to April and through virtual workshops. The final event of the learning process is planned in Gabarone, Botswana, in May 2024.
The "Renewable energies for local economic development" working group will also be continued.

At the beginning of March, the six participating municipalities in our "Heat in the City" Deep-Dive will meet for the second time in Nairobi.

In South-eastern Europe, we will further develop specific project ideas as part of another event on the learning process "Options for renewable energies at municipal level".

We will also continue our municipal exchange between Ukraine and Germany through further events.

As our event on "Climate-friendly construction with organic and recyclable materials" in Potsdam was met with a great deal of interest, we will be further exploring the topic through a virtual workshop on "CO2 balance, circular construction and circular economy" in February. Expert missions are also being considered on this topic are also being considered.

We will also be initiating new activities and processes:

In the MENA region, we will initiate two new working groups on the topics of "tourism promotion" and "local economic development".

Two new working groups are also planned in South-eastern Europe. The topics are "Strengthening the rights of the LGBTQAI+ community" and "Mining towns".

In sub-Saharan Africa, a working group on "Sustainable affordable housing" will be launched shortly.

For our dialog events in Germany, we are currently evaluating the proposals submitted for our call for topics, and the results for which will be published shortly.

This is just the first step. Further working groups and workshops will follow. Stay tuned!

And as always, in this newsletter we have compiled a review of recent events, insights into good municipal practice and an outlook on events that have already been scheduled.

We wish you an inspiring reading

Your Connective Cities Team

The Role of Rain and Storm Water Management in Water Sensitive Urban Planning
Closing event for the Connective Cities learning process on 27 November 2023

In many parts of the world, massive seasonal rainfall and flooding have been part of the reality for a long time and are being exacerbated by climate change. How can cities mitigate the risks for their population and infrastructure and respond quickly in an emergency? Connective Cities facilitated a practice-orientated exchange of experience on this issue.

Building Resilience: Insights from the Project Planning Workshop
Municipal Exchange between Ukraine and Germany on 28 and 29 November 2023

The workshop delved into three crucial thematic areas "Regional and Local Economic Development", "Renewable Energy Options on the Municipal Level" and "Integrated Urban Development". Skilled technical experts facilitated discussions on topics ranging from green urban development to energy grid optimization and cluster development.

Tackling the challenges of municipal waste management
Sister city Hildesheim supports Padang in Indonesia in waste management

Padang is a city of over one million inhabitants located on the island of Sumatra. The Arau River flowing through the city center of Padang is heavily polluted with household garbage and is a main recipient of untreated wastewater. The city council has now decided to regenerate the river with the help of a water management specialist and an exchange of experience with the sister city of Hildesheim.

Developing a climate change strategy in-house
Good Practice of the Partnership between Kouga (South Africa) and Ilsfeld (Germany)

In developing its climate protection strategy, the municipality of Kouga pursued a cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder approach involving various departments of the municipal administration. It was supported by an integrated expert. Kouga identified the most pressing weak points and determined medium and short-term measures. Some of these are already being implemented, such as the planting of trees and the restoration of dunes.

Hosting a SDG Partnership Conference in 2024
Call for German Municipalities to promote exchange of expertise and experience on the 2030 Agenda

In 2024, the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) of Engagement Global will support up to three German municipalities to organise a "SDG Partnership Conference", by providing financial and professional support. The Service Agency is looking forward to receiving your application by 31 January 2024!

Good Practices
Media Centre
Connective Cities is a joint project of:
Association of German Cities
Gereonstraße 18 – 32, 50670 Cologne | Germany
Contact: Sabine Drees
Engagement Global gGmbH
Service Agency Communities in One World

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn | Germany
Contact: Sibylle Loyeau
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 + 36 , 53113 Bonn | Germany
Contact: Ricarda Meissner
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