The project workshop “Developing strategies for resilient and liveable urban district development "planned in the framework of the initiative" Municipal Know-How for Host Communities in the Middle East", which is a new activity of Connective Cities in cooperation with Engagement Global, paying specific attention to municipalities hosting refugees. Jordan municipalities aim to improve their urban services and, therefore, seek a collaborative exchange with German cities and municipal enterprises.
The dialogue event took place in Amman, Jordan from 17 to 19 April 2018. The workshop facilitated the exchange of experiences between Jordan and German cities in the context of urban district development. With some project ideas having been developed at the first workshop in November, participants had the opportunity to refine the project ideas on basis of the Urban Nexus approach as methodological frame. New participants therefore had the chance to introduce their varying urban challenges, which have been developed into project ideas this time.
All in all, 5 German and 30 Jordan representatives from 14 different municipalities in Germany and Jordan took part in the workshop.
The focus of the event was on these three topics:
Integrated district development: A holistic perspective to multiple challenges
Water and energy smart solutions for cities: How to develop smart solutions to reduce water and energy consumption and to use solar energy as sustainable energy source?
Developing public and green spaces: How to sustainably plan public and green spaces?
Renard Teipelke, Urban Development Specialist, Manila, Philippines
Introduction to the Urban Nexus Approach towards Integrated Urban Development
مقدمة الى منهجية الترابط الحضري نحو تنمية حضرية متكاملة
The Urban Nexus Approach Applied: Identify & Innovate towards Integrated Urban Development
تطبيق منهجية الترابط الحضري: التحديد والابتكار نحو تنمية حضريمتكاملة
Felix Reifschneider, Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Berlin
Dr. Manfred Poppe, Project Director, GIZ Connective Cities, Bonn
Connective Cities Presentation
ةمادتسملا ةيرضحلا ةيمنتلا تاسراممل ةيلودلا ةعومجمل
Eva Prediger, Advisor, GIZ Connective Cities, Bonn
David Honka, EG, SKEW, Bonn
Mohammad Ababneh, Partnership Coordination Officer, EG, Amman
ندملا نم نكمملا معدلا ىلع ةماع ةرظن نمض)SKEW( ةيعمجو ةطبارتملا طسولاا قرشلل ةيقيبطتلا ةفرعملا ةدرابم
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bege, Lord Mayor's Office Urban Development Department, City of Nuremberg, Germany
Integrated Urban District Development - Green and Open Spaces
التنمية المتكاملة للمناطق الحضري الأماكن المفتوحة/ الأماكن الخضراء
Anna-Maria Hogeback, Head of Public Relations - Plan Treff - Department of Urban Planning and Construction Regulations, City of Munich, Germany
Pilot Project "Ostbahnhof - Berg am Laim-Giesing" - Action Area Plan
شروع ريادي Ostbahnhof - Berg am Laim-Giesing" اوستبانهوف بيرج أملين
Dr. Michael Zirbel, Head of City Planning Department, City of Gütersloh, Germany
و تخطيط ناجح للمدن المشاركة كعنصر متكامل واسهامها في التماسك الاجتماعي
Olaf Reiter, Reiter Architekten, City of Dresden, Germany
Low Energy Strategies in New and Retrofit Buildings
استراتيجيات منخفضة الطاقة في البنايات الجديدة والمعدلة
Ziad Al-Gzawi, Professor of Environmental Engineering, Walid Bani Hani, Executive Manager, & Nafez Shatat, Professor of Architecture Engineering, Irbid Municipality, Jordan
Integrated Urban District Planning in Irbid City
تخطيط المنطقة المتكامل في مدينة إربدمقدم من
Saleh Alobisat, Head of Local Development Unit, Greater Karak Municipality, Jordan
Use of Treated Watewater for Al Resas Recreation and Forest Project
استعمال المياه المعالجة مشروع الرصيص للاستجمام والغابات
Rand Nsour, Project Coordinator, & Siham Al-Hadidi, Project Coordinator, Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan
Energy and Water Efficiency for Retrofitting Buildings
كفاءة الطاقة والمياه للبنايات القائمة
Khalaf Ayed Al Asem, Engineer, & Mohammad Awad A Sarhan, Mayor of of Sarhan, Sarhan Municipality, Jordan
Solar Energy Project in Municipal Buildings
منهجية الروابط، المنطقة الخضراء خطة ادارة متكاملة للمياه والصرف الصحي في بلدية سحاب
Wafa Hawamdeh, Head of Local Development Unit, Jerash Municipality, Jordan
مشروع بنية تحتية خضراء – بلدية جرش
Sinan Qudhah, Mohamed Fayez Ja'arat & Mohammed Saleh Al Ja'arat, Swaima Municipality, Jordan
A Proposed Project for Establishing A Green Ecological Park in Swaima
مشروع مقترح لإقامة حديقة بيئية خضراء
Mohammed Al-Zawahreh, Head of Local Development Unit, Zarqa Municipality, Jordan
Safe, Inclusive and Accessible Public Spaces for Social Cohesion in Janna’s Neighbourhood
بلدية الزرقاء – أماكن عامة آمنة وشمولية ويسهل الوصول اليها للتماسك الأجتماعي في حي جناعة
Jameel Al-Momani, Head of Local Development Unit, & Fakher Al-Momani, Mayor of Al-Jounaid, Al-Jounaid Municipality, Jordan
Green Spaces and how to use them in Al-Jounied
المساحات الخضراء و كيفية استغلالها
Hassan Fahdad Al-Rahbibh, Mayor of Umm el-Jimal, Umm el-Jimal Municipality, Jordan
Community Water Conservation and Water Scarcity in Umm el-Jimal
المحافظة على المياه في المجتمع و ندرة المياهام الجمال، البادية الشمالية محافظة المفرق، الأردن
Haneen Hassouneh, Head of Local Development Unit, Sahab Municipality, Jordan
Integrated Water and Sanitation Management in Sahab Municipality – The Nexus Approach
ة ادارة متكاملة للمياه والصرف الصحي في بلدية سحابمنهجية الروابط، المنطقة الخضراء
During presentations, discussions, excursions, peer-to-peer consultations and joint group work in the varying topics of sustainable urban development, participants exchanged experiences and know-how in order to process successfully their work on project ideas that were brought into the workshop by Jordan municipalities. German experts from Munich, Nuremberg, Gütersloh and Dresden introduced Good Practice examples from their municipalities, contributing to the thematic scheme with their presentations about integrated district development with action area plans and participatory approaches, planning of green and public spaces, the use of solar energy and energy efficiency measures in retrofit buildings. With the support of the methodological approach of Urban Nexus the project ideas developed in the first Connective Cities Workshop in November 2017 were refined and innovated towards more integrated project design. Concrete new challenges and first project ideas of the newly involved municipalities were presented and developed in peer-to-peer working sessions.
One of the ways of putting the project ideas into concrete terms and implementing them will be via possible project partnerships in the context of the BMZ “Municipal Knowhow for the Middle East Initiative” ( In addition to the development of a multilateral learning and development network for sustainable urban development, the pool of experts on municipal consultation through Connective Cities will be involved.
Click here to download the complete report.