Good Practices on Municipal Services

Municipal Services

Tackling the challenges of municipal waste management


Padang is a city of over one million inhabitants located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The Arau River flowing…


India Urban Data Exchange (IUDX)


To build cities of the future, which provide good quality of life, improved economic robustness, and harmony with…


Partnerships for Circularity


Through strategic partnerships, Jerash municipality in Jordan was able to overcome impediments in solid waste management…


With pony and corgis humorously through the crisis


With Corona, there was also a crisis in public transport in the German capital Berlin: passenger numbers fell by 70% -…


Scaling up cycling infrastructure in Lindau, Germany


As cycling is becoming increasingly popular for leisure and as an alternative to using the car, municipalities have to…


Municipal waste management systems in low- to middle-income neighbourhoods in Accra


Accra, the tropical capital of Ghana faces environmental and waste management issues. The Municipal Authority of Accra…

