The Connective Cities network in Asia aims to provide a platform creating a community of practice for urban practitioners to exchange good practices and find locally adapted solutions for sustainable urban development through several exchange formats, such as peer to peer consultations with local and international experts. Actors in the network would jointly discuss and reflect on the challenges of sustainable urban development to find and share innovative solutions. Furthermore, by strengthening the cooperation between German and international cities, the different stakeholders would not only learn from each other, but also possibly initiate cooperation projects.
The Connective Cities learning processes focus on regionally relevant thematic clusters, that are carried out through virtual and face-to-face events. Dialogue events, local project workshops, expert missions and financial advisory sessions are only some examples of the variety of exchange formats offered. The Connective Cities Network is open to local municipalities and their local governments as well as representatives from further stakeholders such as NGOs, local initiatives, the private sector, research and academia.
"Green Urban Infrastructure" is currently the main thematic focus of Connective Cities in Asia. The topic is particularly relevant against the background that Asia is one of the fastest growing urbanized regions. By 2050, 60 percent of the Asian population will live in urban areas. Therefore, the region is confronted with diverse and cross-cutting challenges. For instance, the demand for municipal services is increasing with the rapid population and urbanisation growth. The challenges of the sustainable use and distribution of natural resources are presenting the main increasing pressure on municipal officials for solutions.
The Connective Cities network in Asia enables German/international and Asian practitioners to discuss these relevant and important aspects focusing on mainly but not solely on “Green Urban Infrastructure”. Through this community of practice, sustainable solutions for dealing with urban expansion and strategies for urban adaptation to climate change can be discussed and developed.
Already registered in our network?
Click here to access the internal virtual exchange platform:
Interested? Would you also like to contribute your expertise? For further information, please contact Ricarda Meissner, Connective Cities' regional coordinator for Asia: ricarda.meissner(at)
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