From October 18 to 20, 2017, a practitioners’ workshop was held in Cali, Colombia on "How to Get from Planning to Financing Sustainable Urban Mobility Projects". Connective Cities organised this workshop in cooperation with the C40 Cities Finance Facility and the NGO WRI, the foundation FDI Pacífico and the City of Cali. The C40 Cities Finance Facility is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by GIZ together with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40).
The event was attended by 34 municipal practitioners and experts. Of these, 20 were representatives of eight Colombian cities: Armenia, Bogotá, Cali, Ibagué, Medellín, Palmira, Pereira and Yumbo. In addition, one representative each of the Peruvian city of Trujillo and the Ecuadorian city of Quito were present. The proportion of women among the attending municipal practitioners was 44 percent. The event focused on the exchange of experiences on financing options for sustainable urban mobility projects, in particular for projects such as the Quinto Centenario Bicycle Avenue in Bogotá.
While the first day was all about the exchange of Good Practices with a focus on non-motorised traffic, on the second day of the event the proven method of peer-to-peer advisory was used. The third and final day of the workshop was dedicated to the development of a strategy for finding funding for mobility projects. Here, WRI's technical content and orientation supported the development of strategy development specifically of a business model in the acquisition of financing options.
Jürgen Baumann, Connective Cities/ Cities Finance Facility & Aris Moro, C40
Presentación CFF
Sebastián Lema, Departamento Nacional de Planeación
El rol del sector público en el financiamiento climático
Aris Moro, C40
Desafíos para la financiación de proyectos urbanos sostenibles
Iván de la Lanza Gamiz, Luca Lo Re, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
Introducción l método de modelo de negocios (WRI) Y ejemplo de aplicación
Iván de la Lanza Gamiz, Energy, Climate and Finance, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, Mexico City, Mexico
Beneficios de la movilidad activa, Ciudad de México
Kelly Johanna Camacho, Advisor on Sustainable and Active Mobility, City of Ibagué, Colombia
Masa Crítica, Ibagué Pedalea
Julian Alberto Torres, Engineer of sustainability projects, City of Armenia, Colombia
Armenia en Bici
David Uniman, Bicycle Area Manager, District Department of Mobility, Bogotá, Colombia
Plan Bici, Parquea tu Bici
Lina Maria Loaiza Zuluaga & Nathaly Estrada Benjumea, Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley, Colombia
Planificación y diseño de ciclo infraestructura urbana
Mario Piñeiros Vallejo, Secretary General, Public Transport Company of Passengers of Quito, Ecuador
Repotenciación de la flota de trolebus de Quito
Mario Andrés Rodas Arenas, Coordinator of the Emblematic Mobility Active Project, Mobility Institute, City of Pereira, Colombia
Inversión de prioridades de gestión de la movilidad activa en ciudades intermedias colombianas
Carlos Alberto Becerra, Chief of the planning office of the operation, Metro Cali S.A., Colombia
Sistema Integrado de Transporte “MIO” en Cali
Cesar Augusto Londoño, Deputy Director, Subdirectorate of Planning of the Territory, City Hall of Cali (DAPM), Colombia
Corredor Verde
Ana Milena Gómez Guzmán, Advisor of the Office, Department of Mobility, City of Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Plan de Entrega de Mercancía de última Milla
Ana Milena Gómez Guzmán, Advisor of the Office, Department of Mobility, City of Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Programa Plazas
This three-day workshop, with a mix of lectures, exercises and interactive group activities, allowed participants to exchange experiences and gain new insights into various approaches, methods and tools of project financing.
The experiences visualized with the help of posters Good Practices of the participating urban representatives were received with great interest and discussed in depth. The experiences brought in and exchanged by the municipal practitioners were supplemented by several thematic inputs presenting specific aspects relating to project financing from the work of the C40 Cities Finance Facility.
Participants took the opportunity of the presence and knowledge of experts from other cities to consult and to clarify their own questions. As part of the afternoon excursion, the group learned about examples of Cali's positive experiences, such as the cable car project, and the current challenges facing Cali. Using WRI's technical input on business models for urban infrastructure projects combined with hands-on exercises, participants addressed the issue of how to develop a working business model for a mobility project, which can be an integral concept in finding and acquiring financing opportunities.
Both the C40 Cities Finance Facility and Connective Cities have set themselves the goal of contributing to the successful dissemination of models for financing modern urban infrastructure with significant contributions to climate protection and the achievement of the SDGs at the local level through such events.