From the 7th to the 9th of November 2017, a project workshop on the topic "Planning sustainable urban development and improvement of public transport in Trujillo" took place in Trujillo, Peru. Connective Cities organised this workshop upon the needs of the provincial city of Trujillo, which is working on public transport reforms. The aim of the workshop was to complement the planned reforms with new elements of experiences of other cities, to deepen reflections on challenges and possible solution and to plan new project activities together. Connective Cities coordinated this offer with other bilateral programmes of German development cooperation in Peru.
Around 20 practitioners from various departments of the municipal administration of Trujillo, representatives of the city of Cuzco as well as a Colombian and two German municipal public transportation experts took part in the event. At the beginning of the workshop, a joint analysis of the current situation of public transport in Trujillo was undertaken. In the subsequent exchange of Good Practices, various examples were presented and discussed using poster presentations. After peer-to-peer advisory sessions and a field visit to critical sites on day two, project proposals were developed together on day three.
Event Program (Spanish)
Iván Chira, PLANDET Trujillo en representación del Sr. Alcalde de Trujillo, Elidio Espinoza Quispe
Visión “Modelo Trujillo”
Germán Huerta, Gerente de Proyectos, Transportes Metropolitanos de Trujillo
Situación del Transporte Urbano en la Ciudad de Trujillo y Desafíos
Dr. Emilio Merino, Mentor SUMP, Gitec-Rupprecht
Metodología SUMP
Ricardo Tejada, Director para Latinoamérica, IVU Traffic Technologies
Herramientas para diseñar y acompañar las Relaciones Contractuales entre Municipios, Operadores y el Sistema de Recaudo
Germán Huerta, Gerente de Proyectos TMT, Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo
Marco Legal e Institucional Favorable para la implementación del Sistema Integrado de Transportes (SITT) de Trujillo
Niggen Mori, Director de Operaciones de la Empresa de Transportes Nuevo California S.A.
Iniciativa de Modernización de las Empresas de Transporte
Jürgen Schneider, Departamento de Gestión de tráfico en Düsseldorf, Alemania
Transporte público en Düsseldorf – planificación y práctica
Ana Ancajima, Renato Sebastián Palomino, PLANDET, Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo
Implementación de medidas correctivas de bajo costo en puntos negros de accidentes de tránsito priorizados por la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo
Cinthia Fiorella Vásquez Angulo, PLANDET, Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo
La importancia de la Planificación Territorial en el Transporte público como pilar de las políticas de desarrollo sostenible en la Ciudad de Trujillo
Dr. Emilio Merino, Mentor SUMP, Consultor Gitec-Rupprecht
Experiencia del PLAMUS del Área Metropolitana de Florianópolis, Brasil
William Vallejo, Subsecretario de movilidad sostenible y seguridad vial, Alcaldía de Cali, Colombia
Mejorando el servicio de bus. Tránsito rápido de pronta y económica ejecución en Nueva York
William Vallejo, Subsecretario de movilidad sostenible y seguridad vial, Alcaldía de Cali, Colombia
Ampliación y optimización de la red de ciclorrutas y promoción del uso de la bicicleta en Bogotá
Stefan Schwarzbach, Responsable del equipo de gestión del tráfico en VCDB Dresden, Alemania
Planificación de la Oferta en el Transporte Público Urbano
During the three days of the workshop, there was an active exchange about Good Practices and ideas how to improve the public transport in the city. The joint analysis of the current situation clearly showed the current challenges with regard to public transportation. These are characterised, among others, by a multitude of small private transport companies, lack of coordination and overlap of routes, lack of bicycle paths and an oversupply of taxis. The city of Trujillo is already working on various approaches to overcome these challenges.
In the course of the subsequent exchange of experiences, the participants acquired information about selected practical experiences of public transport from Trujillo, Düsseldorf, Dresden, New York, Bogotá and Cali. In the context of peer-to-peer-advisory sessions, the experts could successfully identify possible solutions for main challenges together. After visiting critical sites of the city during the afternoon field visit of the second day, the group was able to jointly develop two projects of priority for Trujillo on the third and final workshop day. One project is about the development of a comprehensive bus stop system. The second project aims at the recovery of public space in Trujillo with, among other things, the promotion of non-motorised transport.
Download the report in Spanish.