Connective Cities invited municipal practitioners to the Dialogue Event on Strategies for a Digital City – Challenges and Opportunities, in Nuremberg, Germany from 23rd to 25th October 2018. Digitalisation is a cross-cutting trend in today’s societies and an important new task for municipalities. Cities need to take an active role in digitalising public services and to make sure that the digitalisation on local level strengthens the participation in urban life for all. Therefore, having a solid strategic approach to digitalisation allows cities to avoid becoming simply a subject of digital trends and proactively shape the process.
Nuremberg as the host and topic-setting city welcomed the international participants in person of its Lord Mayor. Representatives from 11 cities in France, Germany, Palestinian Territories, Taiwan, Turkey and Ukraine exchanged their good practices on digitalisation strategies, digital urban mobility and digital services.
It became clear that digitalisation and its new technologies offer great potentials for positively transforming public services that municipalities offer. Digital innovation allows cities to make their services more accessible for citizens and to create more opportunities for a direct interaction between the municipality and its inhabitants as the practice examples from Hamburg, Munich, Lutsk or Antalya illustrate.
In order to be successful on their way to the digital city, municipalities need to develop their very own strategy, making sure that digitalisation brings added value for the community and not only commercial profit. The exchanges in Nuremberg revealed a wide range of different approaches: from the formalised strategy process in Nuremberg to a more iterative smart city development in Taipei.
Download the event programme here.
Tobias Burkhart, Shiftschool
Digital cities in emerging and developing countries
Nicole Celikkesen, GIZ, Digitalisation for Sustainable Development
Welcome and introduction to Connective Cities
Benjamin Jeromin & Alexander Wagner, Connective Cities
Benjamin Jeromin, Connective Cities
Alexander Wagner, Service Agency Communities in One World
On the way to innovative digital solutions municipalities need to implicate broadly both their citizens and their employees to make changes sustainable. And very important: not all innovative changes can be successful and failures are an important element of these processes.
The exchanges among peers also produced concrete results: the city of Dusseldorf improved its 100 day digitalisation campaign and Nablus went home with a clearer vision on how to implement digital participation tools.
The report on this event will be available soon.