Towards resilient and livable urban district development

Connective Cities Practitioners' Workshop in Jordan


The practitioners´ workshop “Towards resilient and livable urban district development" planned in the framework of the initiative "Municipal Know-How for Host Communities in the Middle East", which is a new activity of Connective Cities in cooperation with Engagement Global and pays specific attention to municipalities hosting refugees.

The dialogue event took place in Amman, Jordan from 14 to 16 November 2017. Thus, the workshop facilitated at enabling cities from Jordan and Germany to exchange experiences in the sphere of urban district development. Furthermore, participants jointly developed first project ideas for urban district development in Jordan municipalities. The participants were compounded from 7 German and 26 Jordan representatives from 16 different municipalities.  

The focus of the event was on these four topics:

1. Integrated district development: A holistic perspective to multiple challenges

2. Energy efficient and climate friendly districts: How to save energy and supply districts with sustainable energy

3. Developing the space in-between - public and green spaces and ecosystem services

4. Climate neutral and sustainable water management in urban districts


Welcome Remarks

Felix Reifschneider, BMZ, Berlin, Germany
Words of Welcome

Dr. Manfred Poppe & Eva Prediger, Connective Cities, GIZ, Bonn, Germany
EN: Welcome Remarks

Alexander Wagner, Engagement Global, Connective Cities, Bonn, Germany
EN: The Service Agency Communities in OneWorld anditsMiddleEast Programme

Good Practice Presentations

1: Integrated district development: A holistic perspective to multiple challenges

Dr. Tagrid Mahmud Yousef, City of Krefeld, Germany
EN: The Property "Alte Samtweberei" as a Motor of Development
AR: „ALTE SAMTWEBEREI“ كمحرك للتنمية

Helga Summer-Juhnke, City of Munich, Germany
EN: Local Education Management in selected city-districts - an integrated approach to develop education improvement districts
AR: نهج متكامل لبلورة عملية تطوير التعليم

Mirvat Bani Hani, Shuleh Municipality
Khanum Al Kurdi, Shuleh Women Cooperative
EN: Integrated Empowerment of Rural Woman - Municipal Planning at Shu`la Municipality
AR: دمج تمك ن ي المرأة الريفية

Elham Al Abbadi, Bayyoudha Community, Jordan
EN: Mainstreaming Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources into Rural Municipal Planning and Development
AR: دراسة حالة من منطقة العارضة

2: Energy efficient and climate friendly districts: How to save energy and supply districts with sustainable energy

Clemens Galonska, City of Würzburg, Germany
EN: City of Würzburg - Integrated Climate Protection Concept and Energetic Refurbishment Management
AR: مفهوم الحماية المناخية المتكاملة

Megdad M. H. Rabab`a & Rima Odeh, Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan
EN: Amman - Climate Change Mitigation Strategy
AR: استراتيجية الحد من آثار التغير المناخ

3: Developing the space in-between - public and green spaces and ecosystem services

Corinna Lippert, City district Tempelhof-Schöneberg of Berlin, Germany
EN: Green Social District: Changing a car park in a public park, a playground and an urban-gardening are together with residents, initiatives and public administration
AR: الأحياء الاجتماعية الخضراء

Isabel Neumann, Gesellschaft der behutsamen Stadterneuerung mbH, Berlin, Germany
EN: "Helle Oase" a Community Garden Evolves
AR: "Helle Oase" حديقة عامة في طور النشوء

Amal Zanoun, Jordan Free and Development Zones Group (JFDZ), Jordan
EN: The Dead Sea Corniche, “Creation of a public waterfront, and development of a planning strategy that demonstrates an ecological sensitivity and skilfully accommodating different populations in a comprehensive way”
AR: شاطئ )كورنيش( البحر الميت

4: Climate neutral and sustainable water management in urban districts

Annika Biderbeck, Hamburg Water, Hamburg, Germany
EN: Integrated Wastewater and Energy Management: HAMBURG WATER Cycle Implementation in the Jenfelder Au
AR: تنفيذ دور مياه هامبورغ في جنفلدر Jenfelder Au

Sajeda Al Rahayfeh, Karak Municipality, Jordan
Ali Al Saoub, The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), Karak, Jordan
EN: Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Integrated Land Use Planning related to Water Resources Management/ Use in Wadi Al-Karak
AR: استراتيجية الاستدامة البيئية

Wafa Hawamdeh, Jerash Municipality, Jordan
EN: Jerash Municipality: Sustainably Management of Water resources - Local Water Security Action Plan
AR: الإدارة المستدامة لمصادر المياه

Further Input

Eva Prediger, Connective Cities, GIZ, Bonn, Germany
EN: Connective Cities Follow Up

Mohammad Ababneh, GIZ/Engagement Global, Amman, Jordan

EN: Support mechanismsformunicipalprojectpartnerships
AR: آليات دعم مشروع الشراكات البلدية


The participants exchanged in discussions, excursions and peer-to-peer consultations in the different subjects of sustainable urban development as well as developed first project ideas. The presentations of the examples from Krefeld, Munich, Würzburg, Berlin and Hamburg (Germany) as well as from Karak, Jerash, Bayyoudha and Amman (Jordan) facilitated insights and exchange about already existing Good Practices.

In peer-to-peer advisory concrete challenges of Jordanian cities were analyzed and possible solutions developed. That followed by developing innovative project ideas on the topics of integrated urban planning, use of waste water and water harvesting as well as solar power and energy and water efficiency. With the support of Connective Cities, those ideas will be concretized in follow up events.



Categories: Connective Cities Documentation Integrated urban development Municipal services
Regions: Middle East Jordan Amman


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