
03/06/2024  - 06/06/2024  // Heidelberg

Connective Cities Deep Dive Study Trip

Heat in the City - Heat action planning and mitigation of heat island effects

Historic town hall and market square in Heidelberg | Photo: Firn, Shutterstock

At the upcoming four-day workshop, participants from Lviv (Ukraine), Lüdenscheid and Heidelberg (Germany), Nairobi (Kenya), Aswan (Egypt) and Ben Guerir (Morocco) will present their results of the validation of the potential policy options proposed at the previous workshop in Nairobi. Participants will present the feedback they received from partners and local stakeholders. This feedback will be incorporated into a moderated process to plan the pilot project for the policy option. This structured approach ensures that the planned measures are based on practical feedback.

Another highlight of the workshop is the opportunity to learn about the current practice in Heidelberg in relation to this matter. Participants will gain a direct insight into the approaches and best practices used there. These insights are invaluable as they provide practical examples and inspiration that can help in the further development of their own work.

In addition to the in-depth discussions and planning processes, the workshop also offers the opportunity for informal exchange.

We look forward to your presentations, the valuable exchange of experiences and ideas and a productive and inspiring time in Heidelberg.

Preliminary programme

Monday, 03 June 2024

  • Workshop

Tuesday, 04 June 2024

  • Input: High resolution urban climate model Heidelberg
  • Input: Heat Action plan of the city of Heidelberg
  • Input: Presentation of the Bahnstadt
  • Excursion to the Bahnstadt

Wednesday, 05 June 2024

  • Workshop

Thursday, 06 June 2024

  • Excursion in Heidelberg

Connective Cities
