
06/04/2020  - 08/04/2020  // Gereonshaus Gereonstraße 18 - 32 50670 Köln

Local Government Associations: Localising the SDGs

Call for participants - Connective Cities Dialogue Event

From the 7th to 9th of April 2020 the German Association of Cities will be hosting a Connective Cities Dialogue Event for local government associations (LGAs) on the topic of “Localising the SDGs” in Cologne, Germany. A first Connective Cities event for LGAs took place in July 2018 in Cologne and brought together 25 representatives from 11 local government associations. In this occasion the discussion spanned across topics such as structure, processes and financing of LGAs, representation of local government interests and influence on law-making but also thematic members’ committees and working groups and membership services for training and exchange of municipal know-how. The report of the event can be found here. 

In April 2020 the exchange of experiences of LGA will be focusing on the topic of localizing the SDGs. Several LGAs have been implementing successful projects in cooperation with their member cities in this area, others are just getting started. The Connective Cities Dialogue Event in April in Cologne provides the opportunity for LGAs to exchange in detail on this topic, to learn from each other, to discuss challenges and to jointly develop new project ideas.

Representatives of local government associations interested in participating in this exchange can contact Ms Alice Balbo (, Connective Cities Project Manager at the German Association of Cities.
