Good Practices on Integrated Urban Development

Integrated Urban Development

Neighbourhood development based on equal opportunities in Krefeld


How can socio-economically deprived neighbourhoods be supported in becoming places worth living in that offer all…


Flood Protection


In Dortmund the fire brigade faced an unusual flood event in July 2008. A locally restricted but very heavy rainfall…


Room for the River


Severe flood events are not uncommon phenomena in the Rhine Delta as the examples of the devastating floods in 1993 and…


Participatory community development in urban areas of Cairo


Egypt’s cities grow rapidly, mostly without governmental or local planning. About 20 million of the population live in…


Consolidation 3-4-9:


On a centrally located site in Gelsenkirchen-Bismarck, the Consolidation 3/4/9 mine was one of the biggest coal mines in…


The Bus Rapid Transit System ‚Rea Vaya‘ in Johannesburg


The Bus Rapid Transit System ‚Rea Vaya‘ serves as backbone of urban development in Johannesburg. It is used by 45,000…

