Good Practices on Municipal Services

Municipal Services

Waste to positive energy in Mafraq governorate in Jordan


The establishment of the composting plant to produce organic fertilizers was part of the plan for solid waste management…


Closed pilot cycle of plastic recycling in Rustavi


Rustavi is the fourth largest city in Georgia and one of the most important industrial centers. In this city, with…


Local Development Program for the City of Agadir in Morocco


Agadir municipality has pursued ambitious policies aimed at enhancing the quality of life of the city’s inhabitants,…


The EcoCentro in Quito


The city of Quito, being the capital of Ecuador, is home to important companies and the second most populated city, with…


Towards ecological urban development in Palestine


For the Palestinian town Ajja, transitioning into a sustainable growth path was a result of a comprehensive vision by…


Promoting female employment in the water sector services in Jordan


Despite societal and structural challenges that impede women’s participation in the Jordanian labor market, a pioneer…

