Good practices on urban development and climate change

Urban development and climate change

Living alongside water instead of fearing it


Bangkok's first significant piece of green infrastructure, Chulalongkorn Centenary Park (CCP), aims to lessen the risk…


Partnerships for Circularity


Through strategic partnerships, Jerash municipality in Jordan was able to overcome impediments in solid waste management…


Urban gardens of Amman


The pandemic and its associated lockdowns have uncovered an acute need for food security in urban areas. To address this…


Seeds for the Future


To address environmental challenges related to the loss of native species as well as the increasing CO2 emissions due to…


Scaling up cycling infrastructure in Lindau, Germany


As cycling is becoming increasingly popular for leisure and as an alternative to using the car, municipalities have to…


Quito: not returning to the “old normal” after Covid-19


In Quito, many people have started travelling by bike during the Covid-19 pandemic. This momentum has to be used to…

