
Here you can find information on interesting events from us, from our partners, as well as from third parties in our thematic areas.

For an overview of our event announcements, please go to

Connective Cities - Dialogue Events, Practitioner Workshops and more

Template: List
2nd Hands on Public Buildings

2nd Hands on Public Buildings

24/09/2024 - 26/09/2024

Call for participation in the dialogue event on the reuse of modernist public buildings from the…

Resilience in Times of War

Resilience in Times of War

16/07/2024 - 18/07/2024

Call for Participation: Municipal Exchange to Strengthen Resilience and Capacity for Rebuilding…

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Risk-Informed Urban Development and Climate Action in the SADC region

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Risk-Informed Urban Development and Climate Action in the SADC region


Invitation to the Insight Session on 20 June 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 CEST

Exploring Renewable Energy Solutions: Connective Cities’ Workshop in Sarajevo

Exploring Renewable Energy Solutions: Connective Cities’ Workshop in Sarajevo

11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024

Empowering Municipalities for Sustainable Energy Initiatives
