




Template: List
Towards a more sustainable building sector

Towards a more sustainable building sector


Review of the learning process on “Climate Positive Built Environment Using Bio-based and Re-used…

Call for Interest: Risk-Informed Urban Development Workshops in the ECOWAS Region

Call for Interest: Risk-Informed Urban Development Workshops in the ECOWAS Region


Strengthening urban resilience and disaster risk management

Projects for the expansion of renewable energies

Projects for the expansion of renewable energies


Review of the regional workshop from 23 to 25 October 2024 in Tunis, Tunisia

Kampala, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg join forces to strengthen social entrepreneurship

Kampala, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg join forces to strengthen social entrepreneurship


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, part IV of the activities and impact of Connective Cities

Sustainable Low-Cost Housing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sustainable Low-Cost Housing in Sub-Saharan Africa


Review of the working group's kick-off workshop in Windhoek, Namibia

Solar pumps, e-mobility, and climate-friendly street lighting in Sub-Saharan Africa

Solar pumps, e-mobility, and climate-friendly street lighting in Sub-Saharan Africa


Review of the workshop of the working group "Renewable Energy Application in Cities" from 18 - 20…

Strengthening Risk-Informed Urban Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Strengthening Risk-Informed Urban Development in Sub-Saharan Africa


Third Live Event of the Learning Process on Flood Management

Six municipalities join forces to combat increasing heat in cities

Six municipalities join forces to combat increasing heat in cities


Since summer 2023, six municipalities from Germany, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, and Ukraine have been…


News from the years:
