

Call for Participation: Renewable Energy Options on the Municipal Level in the Southeast Europe/ Caucasus region

Connective Cities' Learning Process in Tbilisi, Georgia, 10-12 October 2023

Photo: Tatiana | istock

As part of the learning process for the Southeast Europe/Caucasus (SEE) region, Connective Cities is organizing a Dialogue Event on the topic "Renewable Energy Options on the Municipal Level", which will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 10 - 12 October 2023.

The kick-off event is aimed at international and German experts from municipalities and municipal enterprises as well as experts from business, civil society and academia who work in the field of municipal energy planning and building management on the development of local solution options.

Thematic Focus of the Event

To narrow down the thematic area and cluster the discussions under the specific workstreams of the Learning Process the following thematic priorities are identified:

  1. Efficiency measures, energy saving measures for municipal infrastructure and green spaces
  2. Renewable energy supply for municipal buildings (electricity, photovoltaic) and heat (heat pump) and infrastructure (street lighting, recreation areas, etc.)
  3. How can municipalities encourage their residents to purchase their own small renewable energy systems?
  4. Promotion of innovative municipal financing in sustainable energy

Objectives and Methodology

The main objective of a dialogue event is to facilitate the peer-to-peer exchange of expertise and peer learning of municipal actors with different local conditions. The focus is mainly on good practice examples or other pragmatic approaches that can be applied and/or adapted to different regional contexts. The event aims at the joint development of innovative solutions for your local challenges in municipal energy supply.


Connective Cities invites prospective urban practitioners from Germany/ Europe and the Southeast Europe/Caucasus region to express interest in participating in this event.

With a mix of good practice presentations, peer-to-peer consultations focusing on current challenges in this area and finally the space to develop joint solution options generated from such interactions, we hope to achieve an intense and productive knowledge exchange.

To apply for the participation in the dialogue event, please send us the completed Expression of Interest per e-mail. We encourage the participation of at least two participants from each city/municipality.

Contacts and Timeline

If you are interested in participating or may have questions concerning the process, please write to us. You can find more information in the call for participation.

Deadline for application is the 15 August 2023. The deadline for German applicants is extended until 08 September 2023.

Contact details for the Southeast Europe/ Caucasus region (and other internationals):

Ketevan Papashvili, Regional Coordinator Southeast Europe/ Caucasus (ketevan.papashvili(at), +995 599 149 696)

Paulina Koschmieder, Advisor (paulina.koschmieder(at)

Contact details for German urban practitioners:

Marie Charlotte Watermann, Connective Cities Specialist at the German Association of Cities (charlotte.watermann(at)

Ketevan Papashvili, Connective Cities
