

Connective Cities and the COVID-19 pandemic

New virtual exchange formats

Dear experts and colleagues,

many municipalities around the world are currently facing many challenges, some of which were identified as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic, some other existing challenges were also negatively affected and increased their complexity and urgency. In view of the prolonged necessity of social distancing and several travel restrictions that persist in many places, our upcoming events will be offered in various virtual formats until further notice. Face-to-face events and activities will be considered for a later stage, until such options are possible.

The knowledge and experience exchange amongst peers shall continue with regional and thematic focus in accordance with current situation and needs. In addition to the established Connective Cities methodology the new formats offer several new virtual tools, that can strengthen the joint development of new ideas and practical solutions for current challenges. More information about upcoming events will be announced through our usual communication channels.

The Connective Cities Team

Connective Cities
