

Energising Women in the MENA region

Two experts from the Connective Cities MENA network appointed as mentors.

Photo: GWNET

The Connective Cities team in the MENA region is delighted to announce that two network members, Haneen Hassouneh and Basma Alshatti from Jordan, have been selected as mentors for the Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition mentoring program. The program aims to promote women working for a sustainable energy transition. It is organized by the Global Womens Network for Energy Transition (GWNET) in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

Connective Cities looks forward to seeing even more inspiring women acting as agents of change in the sustainable energy sector in the MENA region and elsewhere, bringing diversity and gender equality to foster the discussion on the energy transition. Congratulations to all the selected Energising Women worldwide! 

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