

Evaluation of the call for topics 2017

New International Dialogues in Germany

The Cities of Bremen and Cologne and the Stadtreinigung Hamburg (Hamburg City Cleaning Services) have successfully applied for the organising of an international dialogue event in the context of the Connective Cities call for topics addressed to municipalities and municipal enterprises from Germany: 

  • In Bremen, the municipal experts will be meeting from 19 to 21 June to discuss the topic of sustainable mobility. Bremen and Connective Cities is already calling experts and urban practicioners for participation!
  • The financing of municipal services is to be focused on in Cologne from 18 to 20 September, and in
  • Hamburg, a dialogue event will be run on circular economy from 27 to 29 November.

We look forward to three exciting events!


The Connective Cities Team would like to express their thanks to all participants in the call and warmly congratulate the organisers.
