

Executive MSc in Cities

A flexible tailor-made education programme for urban professionals in the public, private and third sector. Applications are now open.

This programme is run by LSE Cities at the London School of Economics and Political Science, which was recently awarded one of the prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education for its broad range of research, education and outreach activities on urban development.

The Executive MSc in Cities, now moving into its third year, reflects a global and interdisciplinary outlook. Our participants are leaders and experts from public, private and third sector organisations involved with urban development in different parts of the world. Through sessions with LSE faculty and high-profile practitioners, our programme helps urban professionals better understand and deliver change in their cities.

The degree fuses the latest cities research with the necessary leadership skills to improve the way we analyse, strategise and deliver urban projects and policies. It is delivered in five intensive learning and networking weeks spread over 12 months, followed by a 6-month consultation project in the participant’s organisation.

Further information about the programme structure and delivery, alongside information about fees and scholarship opportunities, can be found on the website <link https: _blank external-link-new-window msc in>


LSE Cities London School of Economics
