
12/03/2021  // 12:45 – 14:55 Uhr MEZ // Virtuelle Veranstaltung

Municipal Response to COVID-19 in the Area of E-Governance

Connective Cities Virtual Global Exchange

Photo: Chan2545 | iStock

The virtual exchange is devoted to exploring the role of e-governance in combating COVID-19. It aims to review how municipalities manage to ensure the supply of essential municipal services with the help of efficient e-governance systems, to discuss crisis management experiences and existing challenges, and to explore how we can enhance or scale-up strategies to meet current crisis-induced demands. Moreover, the virtual exchange will explore the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on municipal plans/strategies and municipal services, the actions and communication strategies deployed in response, and the cooperation of municipalities with national governments as well as international organizations.

The event is divided into three parts: in the first part, the findings of research in network cities in the area of governance will be presented; thereafter, the second part of the event is dedicated to cases of municipal response to COVID-19 in the area of governance from Tartu (Estonia) and La Paz (Bolivia); and, in the third part, a panel discussion will take place in which the topic of e-governance will be covered, and the effectiveness of ICT solutions at municipal levels during the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed.

The virtual exchange is being held as part of the Connective Cities international network initiative and will gather representatives of cities from all over the world.

More informationen und registration: Virtual Global Exchange on Municipal Response to COVID-19 in the Area of E-Governance | Connective Cities Network (
