

Offer: Staffing support for partnership work in municipalities

SKEW/GIZ support the deployment of experts in municipal partnerships

Municipal partnerships between cities and municipalities in Germany and the Global South that wish to intensify their cooperation or jointly implement specific projects on topical challenges such as climate change or waste management can make use of the ‘Experts for municipal partnerships worldwide’ (FKPW) programme. It facilitates the secondment of a European or local expert to work in the partner municipality for around two to four years. In addition, it provides comprehensive financial assistance and technical support, and also takes responsibility for the recruitment of the expert and formalities on the ground, for example. The FKPW programme is being implemented by Engagement Global and its Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of BMZ.

The offer is aimed at interested town twinnings or municipal project partnerships. Established municipal partnerships that have already gathered several years of joint experience as well as partnerships still in their infancy in terms of development policy or that have little experience in implementing joint projects can submit a <link http: file="files/2_Mediathek/Mediathek_Microsites/SKEW/Themen/Kommunale_Partnerschaften/3_Personelle_Unterstuetzung/Integrierte_Fachkraefte/FKPW-DeclarationInterest.docx" _blank external-link-new-window declaration of>declaration of interest to the FKPW programme. Among other things, the municipal experts help improve municipal services and local self-government in the partner municipalities, and to intensify the cooperation between the partners.

More information: Experts for municipal partnerships worldwide website
<link https: experts-worldwide.html _blank external-link-new-window for municipal partnerships worldwide>


Redaktion Connective Cities
