
04/10/2018  // GIZ Bonn Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40 53113 Bonn Saal A / Raum BF20045

"The Human Scale" movie screening

How the city can place people - and not buildings or infrastructure - at the centre of its design.

The majority of cities are home to humanity. By the middle of the 21st century, the number of urban residents worldwide will continue to grow rapidly, with a total share of over 66 percent of the world's population.

The film "<link https: external-link-new-window on>The Human Scale" traces the question of how the city can place people - and not buildings or infrastructure - at the centre of its design. In five chapters, the film shows the possibilities and difficulties of humane and environmentally friendly urban planning.

With impressive pictures, director Andreas M. Dalsgaard shows us in "The Human Scale" the vision of a human-friendly city worth living in by the world-famous Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl and takes us to Bangladesh, China, the USA and Australia.

On the occasion of <link https: whd-2018 external-link-new-window habitat>World Habitat Day and the <link https: urban-october-2018 external-link-new-window>Urban October organized by the United Nations, the GIZ cordially invite you to the film screening "The Human Scale" on Monday, 01.10.2018 at 17:00 in the GIZ Bonn (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn, Hall A / Room BF20045). The film will be broadcast in English with German subtitles.

If you wish to register for the film screening or have any questions, please write a short mail to Karina Korfhage (<link mail internen link im aktuellen>
