

World Habitat Day 2014: Voices from Slums

Join UN World Habitat Day on Oct 6th, 2014

"The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October of every year as World Habitat Day. The purpose of World Habitat Day is to reflect on the state of our towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns.
World Habitat Day was established in 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 40/202, and was first celebrated in 1986.

Each year, World Habitat Day takes on a new theme chosen by the United Nations based on current issues relevant to the Habitat Agenda. The themes are selected to bring attention to UN-Habitat’s mandate to promote sustainable development policies that ensure adequate shelter for all.

This year the World Habitat Day will focus on giving voice to people who have lived or live in slums or other vulnerable urban contexts.
Governments, NGOs, private sector, academic and other institutions are encouraged to place current and past slum dwellers as protagonists of World Habitat Day 2014 through the available communication platforms. Webstories, videos, photodocs, interviews and other stories will feed the campaign’s contents on social media, websites, media and other supports. [...]"

