Insights into the working group 'digitalisation of public services in MENA'
Digitalisation is is key in the municipal recovery from the impacts of the pandemic
Digitalisation is the path for improving service delivery to citizens, and is key in the municipal recovery from the impacts of the pandemic. Connective Cities program on municipal recovery from the pandemic has thus supported the establishment of the working group ‘digitalising public devices in the MENA region’. The working group has been very active and has involved the participation of representatives of more than 21 municipalities in the MENA region. As part of the activities, the following was accomplished:
The first virtual workshop for the working group was held on the 26 October 2021. The workshop incorporated a capacity building component focusing on the use of GIS for the collection, mapping and monitoring of geospatial data. The working group’s members were introduced to the Geographic Information System (GIS) and its various applications in municipal roles and services.
Good practice examples from Hazmieh municipality in Lebanon, Hebron Municipality in Palestine, and Madaba- Jordan were showcased. The presentations revealed how employing GIS contributes to improving municipal service provision, strategic planning, tax management and decision making at a municipal level. Furthermore, a full end-to-end digital transformation solution used by Zgharta municipality in Lebanon (AKA Al-FULK) was showcased as part of the workshop held on the 23 November 2021. This digital platform leverages municipal best practices, tools and technology and has resulted in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations and service delivery in the municipality and improve interdepartmental coordination and regulatory compliance initiatives.
Project ideas of six municipalities were developed into prototypes of GIS apps. Connective Cities conducted a round of intensive capacity building to train the relevant municipal staff on utilizing the apps. The municipalities of Bizerte- Tunisia, Abasan-Palestine, Menjez, Qaraoun, Matan al-Alaa- Lebanon, Jerash and Madaba-Jordan have benefitted from the capacity building and thus have progressed in the realization of their projects on GIS application in municipal management.
Video about the workshop: Digitalisation of municipal services in the MENA region
Connective Cities' event to promote municipal recovery to the COVID 19 pandemic in the MENA region. Watch Video at YouTube:
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