Join us on November 12th, 6:30 - 8:00 pm UTC+2, virtually or at the German Pavilion at COP27 – and discuss challenges and solutions to energy supply and energy efficiency in cities.
Cities worldwide face dependence on energy imports and energy supply as well as high prices and price fluctuation due to wars, conflicts, and insecure situations worldwide. The expansion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in urban development are therefore currently gaining further momentum.
How can cities work towards energy autarky? What role can cities play in eliminating energy imports? To what extent can cities and municipalities produce their own energy?
The side-event is organized by Connective Cities and the German Association of Cities (Deutscher Städtetag) and addresses challenges and good practices examples in the fields of:
Keynote: Mrs. Lea Ranalder, UN-Habitat
Panel discussion:
Moderation: Sabine Drees, German Association of Cities
Virtual participation is possible via: Side Event | Responding Russia´s war: Towards Energy Autarky on a local level (