Several Local Government Associations ( LGAs) have been implementing successful projects for the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in cooperation with their member cities, some are just getting started and some others have a good understanding of the Agenda 2030 but have not yet formal ideas of how its implementation could look like as a project in their LGA.
31 experts from 16 local government associations joined the Connective Cities virtual dialogue event on LGAs and their role in localising the SDGs on 1st, 2nd and 4th September 2020.
The participants from Albania, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Nepal, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Mozambique, Palestinian territories, Serbia, Tanzania and Turkey as well as from the event partners PLATFORMA, UCLG and its Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) working group secretariat presented their good practices on localising the SDGs and supported each other in the peer-to-peer consultation sessions focusing on local challenges and in the development of joint project ideas in this thematic area.
Event program [pdf]
Boris Tonhauser, PLATFORMA
Local Government Associations and their role in localising the SDGs: a European perspective
Sara Hoeflich de Duque, UCLG
APEKSI, Indonesia
The “LOCALISE SDGs” programme
FNP, Brazil
Estratégia ODS: supporting local governments on SDGs-oriented planning
SCTM, Serbia
A multi-level and multi-stakeholder approach to localising the SDGs
MuAN, Nepal
Municipalities Network Advocacy on Sanitation in South Asia
VNG International, The Netherlands
Annual Global Goals Awards
NALAS, Southeast Europe
Enhancing local capacities to implement the 2030 Agenda and the “Leave No One Behind” Principle
APLA, Palestinian territories
Raising awareness about SDGs at local government unit (LGU) level
DST, Germany
SDG indicators for Municipalities
Roadmap to SDG localisation tools
ANAMM, Mozambique
Localizing the SDG: Training of trainers for awareness and adaptation of local plans,
VVSG, Belgium
Week of the Sustainable Municipality
Service Agency Communities in One World of Engagement Global, Germany
The "Municipalities for Global Sustainability" project
Alice Balbo, Connective Cities
Introduction to Connective Cities and its offer for possible next steps
Introduction to the action planning methodology
The virtual event provided a platform to showcase in detail a great variety of inspiring projects and to exchange on very concrete local challenges on the role of LGAs in the localisation of the SDGs.
Several challenges have proven to be common for LGAs in several countries such as the need to convince local leaders of the importance of the SDGs to enable municipalities to start with their localisation or the lack of local data to monitor the Agenda 2030 at the local level.
As a result of the event, four project ideas were elaborated. Three of these project ideas have a national focus and one was a joint endeavour, which was the result of a joint need of several LGAs and that should result in a standard format that could be applied by several LGAs in different countries:
The project ideas will be offered further exchange support by Connective Cities.
Local government associations and their role in localising the Sustainable Development Goals
Author: Dr. Susanne Reiff | Editorial revision: Salomé Bravo Ortega, Alexander Wagner
16 Seiten | 1,1mb