Promoting Energy Efficiency through innovative city-led projects

Intensive knowledge exchange and peer advisory: virtual Connective Cities dialogue event for the MENA region


Within the ambit of the learning process on municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA, the virtual dialogue event was held on the 18th - 20th May 2021.  The dialogue event aimed at promoting the exchange of expertise on good practices for planning and implementing energy efficiency projects. As part of the build up towards the dialogue event, several activities were conducted. This included a virtual session conducted on the 23rd March 2021 focusing on developing project proposals for funding of energy efficiency projects as well as a session on energy audits and showcasing of regional good practices (from Hebron and Bizerte) held on the 12th April 2021. Furthermore and as part of the outreach to regional actors, a number of municipalities of Connective Cities network have participated in the workshop of BUILD_ME phase II of the IKI project “Accelerating 0-emission building sector ambitions in the MENA region” held on the 11th of March 2021 to showcase the BEP tool for energy simulation in the building development phase.


The dialogue event consisted of three virtual sessions in which more than 28 local urban practitioners have participated, representing 23 municipalities and 6 countries from the MENA region and Germany. Moreover, projects were presented by 6 municipalities from Southeast Europe and Southampton UK during the session dedicated to showcasing and analysing good practice examples (19th May). Below is an overview of the program and content:

  1. Day 1- Networking and orientation (18th May): This session aimed at the introduction of/networking among the participating municipal representatives. It also included a presentation by Ms. Haneen Hassouneh, head of local development unit in Sahab municipality-Jordan in which she shared her experience in promoting the role of female practitioners in the field of energy efficiency and strategies to ensure gender-sensitivity in energy efficiency projects. The session also included an interactive quiz with the participants to assess the energy efficiency practices within their municipalities. A highlight of this interactive exercise was that the participants have unanimously agreed that there is an urgent need to emphasize energy efficiency in municipalities to achieve a reduction in annual energy costs.
  2. Day 2- Showcasing of good practice examples (19th May): Following keynote speeches from Dr. Naguib Amin (Clima-MED in South Mediterranean) and Dr. Stephan Anders (DGNB certification- Germany), participants have joined 5 groups to watch the presentations and discuss 19 successful projects from MENA, SEE, Germany, UK and South Africa.
  3. Day 3- Peer advisory and development of project ideas (20th May): In this session, municipal representatives from MENA have worked in 4 groups to discuss challenges and brainstorm project ideas to overcome these challenges. In addition, Dr. Shady Attieh (head of Sustainable Building Design Lab (SBD)-University of Liège) has delivered a presentation on best practices in sustainable architecture in MENA.


Keynote Speech 1
Dr. Naguib Amin, director Clima-MED in South Mediterranean

Keynote Speech 2 
Sustainable Buildings and Cities
Dr. Stephan Anders, director of DGNB certification- Germany

Expert Insight
Sustainable Architecture in the MENA region- Best practices
Prof. Dr. Shady Attia, Prof. in Sustainable Architecture & Building Technology
& Head of Sustainable Building Design Lab (SBD) University of Liège


Presentation Day 1: Municipal Energy Efficiency Projects in MENA: Opening and Networking presentation and recording

Group 1 (energy efficiency in private buildings): presentations by Keda- Georgia and Southampton-UK presentations and recording

Group 2 (energy efficiency in public buildings- part 1): presentations by Batumi- Georgia, Amman- Jordan, project from South Africa, Karak- Jordan, Wasatiyeh, Jordan presentations and recording

Group 3 (energy efficiency in public buildings- part 2): presentations by Krefeld- Germany, Amman- Jordan, Glezan- Algeria, Novohrad-Volynskyi, Ukraine presentations and recording

Group 4 (Switch to renewable energies): presentations by Kragujevac-Serbia,  Nabeul-Tunisia, Qaraoun-Lebanon, Nettetal- Germany presentations and recording

Group 5 (Energy efficiency and RE in districts):  Tepebaşı -Turkey, Lviv-Ukraine, Zhytomyr-Ukraine, Korschenbroich- Germany presentations and recording

Energy management, energy regulations and smart buildings (Internet of Things): Bizerte- Tunisia, Hebron-Palestine, Irbid-Jordan, Dr. Simon Jenniches (Healthy Building Network), Riadh Bhar (Build-ME project), Samer Zawaydeh (energy expert in MENA) Link to brainstorming board and project idea

Energy Efficient green buildings: Sfax- Tunisia, Nabeul- Tunisia, Zaki Mahfoud, Dr. Shadi Attieh Link to brainstorming board and project idea

Energy Efficiency in street lighting: Sahab-Jordan, Madaba-Jordan, Juneid-Jordan, Qaroun- Lebanon, Deir Alla-Jordan Link to brainstorming board and project idea

Energy efficiency in waste management: Karak-Jordan, Jerash-Jordan, Glezan-Algeria, Link to brainstorming board and project idea


The dialogue event aimed at enriching the analysis and planning capacity of the participating municipal representatives to address existing challenges of implementing energy efficiency projects. The discussions also led to identifying the gaps in resources and the support needed to implement future projects. Feedback received from the participating municipal representatives revealed that the majority of 80% is willing to implement knowledge that they gained from the exchange with their peers and experts in their own municipalities. Moreover, all participants have confirmed that they are willing to be active members in Connective Cities network particularly on energy efficiency topics. Connective Cities will continue providing its support to its network members by organizing a project development workshop, provide financial advisory and arrange for expert missions.


Municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA

2021 - Detailed documentation of Connective Cities' virtual dialogue event, 18- 21 May 2021

by Shalan Muna |  Connective Cities

To get an even deeper look into the virtual dialogue event on municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA.


Categories: Good Urban Governance Urban management and administration Integrated urban development Cities and climate change Urban renewal
Regions: Lviv Algeria South Africa Tunesien Bizerte Nabeul Sfax Germany Korschenbroich Krefeld Nettetal Georgia Serbia Kragujevac Ukraine Turkey Tepebaşı Middle East Jordan Amman Irbid Karak Lebanon Qaraoun Palestinian Territories Hebron


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