On 25 May, representatives of Kruševac in Serbia, Ms. Jelena Nikolić, Ms. Jelena Brković, and an expert Dr. Haris Piplas met virtually to discuss multi-faceted project being developed for the city of Kruševac. Project connects mobility, waste management and other public services and entails measures such as:
Rationale of the project is to reduce plastic waste in the city and integrate the recycling habit into everyday lives of the citizens. Since public transport is an indispensable feature, accumulating thousands of users, redesigning it into a smart solution of the problem can lead to better adaptability and results when shifting to waste reduction processes.
During the session several imperative themes have been brought up. Public Private Partnerships have been one of the main concerns as private company oversees transport system in the city. Conveying clear intention of this project to them is one of major priorities in upcoming months.
Another matter in hand is a pre-implementation study needed to convey clear feasibility and cost-benefit analysis to convince local authorities, concerned ministries as well as international partners to cooperate on the project implementation. Building relationship with government and presenting a clear proposal is an imperative next step for the city of Kruševac.
Presentation of project idea of City of Kruševac, Serbia
Ms. Jelena Nikolić, Architect, City of Kruševac,
This virtual event was moderated by Dr. Irakli Samkharadze, Regional Coordinator, Connective Cities, GIZ who introduced the participants of the meeting and gave floor to Ms. Jelena Nikolić, representative of Kruševac city to further elaborate on their project and current phase of its development.
The expert talk highlighted some of the major immediate steps that the city of Kruševac needs to take. Dr. Haris Piplas offered Ms. Jelena Nikolić and Ms. Jelena Brković some insight and help in navigating communication process within the triangle of city authority – relevant ministry - international partners, he emphasized that conveying clear message matching agenda of those three players will lead the project to success.