Since 1840 the building of the “Cadet Corps” stands in the historic city centre of Poltava and now requires extensive restoration work. From 14th to 16th May 2018, three German experts travelled to the Ukrainian city to design possible concepts for the use of this architectonic landmark. The team of experts who each brought diverse knowledge and experience with such projects to the table.
During the three-day mission, the team met with many prominent actors in the city, such as the management of the project “Integrated urban development in Ukraine”, the city administration, and members of the public, and also visited the former cadet academy. Based on this input, they formulated recommendations on how to design and implement concepts of use for the historic building. The main challenge for the experts was to craft concepts that were in line with the general vision for Poltava in 2030, as well as to insure that the concepts were as useful as possible for the city. To achieve this, factors like the location of the building and needs of the public had to be regarded.
The experts came to the conclusion that it is important not to define the intended use of the cadet academy too soon, since there are a variety of possible concepts of use. Because of the large amount of floor space, they recommended to chose an assortment of harmonious uses that supports the city's vision for 2030.
The establishment of a “Development Company Cadet Academy Poltava" was recommended to implement any chosen concept of use, since this would be able to represent the collective interests of the city, which plays a particularly important role with private participation in the project. The team of experts determined the tasks of such a company, as well as a guideline of the steps to completion of the project, beginning with immediately securing the building’s structure.
According to the experts, the factor of sustainability should be considered during all stages of the project, and its completion will require “perseverance, patience, mutual consideration, trust and optimism”, but the team is confident that the cadet academy can be transformed into the best possible version of itself.