As part of the learning process “Strengthening Local SDG Implementation through Reporting and Monitoring”, virtual exchanges of expertise were held on 23 and 30 September 2021 to support the city of Lviv in the Ukraine in developing its first VLR.
As part of the outcome of one working group during the dialogue event in April, the city of Lviv, together with other participants, exchanged possible ideas on how to raise awareness of sustainable development in the city administration in order to ensure sustainable strategic planning. A first step was to develop a City Booklet to bring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) closer to city administration. For this, the team reviewed and consulted some existing booklets and good practice examples from other cities and organisations. As a result, the Lviv team developed an SDG City Booklet that contains a brief general introduction to sustainable development, the SDGs and the importance of localising the SDGs. Besides, each SDG is briefly introduced and examples of actions to meet the 2030 Agenda are given. The key to this process was to translate the examples to the local context and highlight the importance of city targets.
To enhance the city’s sustainable development strategy, the city of Lviv decided to join the international VLR community after the Connective Cities event. As a next step, complementing the booklet, the city of Lviv will elaborate and publish its first VLR in 2022. To do this, the team of Lviv had to work on a roadmap for developing its first VLR.
Connective Cities supported this process through two virtual sessions where experts from Lviv, UN-Habitat, Bonn and Mannheim had the opportunity to share experiences, lessons learned and benefits of developing a VLR.
Some of the topics discussed during the sessions were:
The results of these discussions were documented in an interactive board will be integrated into Lviv’s roadmap for the development of its first VLR. UN-Habitat and UNDP Ukraine will actively support Lviv in the development of the VLR. The publication of the VLR is planned for March 2022.
Related relevant information:
Voluntary Local Review – City of Bonn
Voluntary Local Review – City of Mannheim
Guidelines for Voluntary Local Reviews, Vol. 1: A comparative analysis of existing VLRs