Publications - Good urban governance

Disaster management and fire services in Polokwane

2024 - A good practice on flood control through resource efficiency, innovation and social responsibility

Connective Cities

Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project (DMDP) - Phase 1

2024 - A Good Practice from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Connective Cities

A Strategy for Climate-Sensitive Urban Development in Garowe, Somalia

2024 - From Local Climate Change Assessment to Concrete Urban Initiatives

Connective Cities

Resilience in Times of War - Municipal Exchange between Ukraine and Germany

2024 - Summary of the Connective Cities' Project Planning Workshop from 28 to 29 November 2023 in Munich

Connnective Cities

Establishing a Primary Healthcare Center

2024 - The Partnership between Al Mohammara (Lebanon) and Opfenbach (Germany)

GIZ & Engagement Global with its Agency Communities in One World

Action for Cool Cities: Pathways for carbon reduction in buildings and improvement of outdoor thermal comfort

2023 - Documentation of the Connective Cities Learning Process

Connective Cities

Water Sensitive Urban Planning in times of Climate Change

2023 - UCLG Peer Learning Note #33


Water-sensitive urban planning – How can heavy rain and storm water be better managed?

2023 - Results of the Connective Cities dialogue event from 6 to 8 December 2022 in Cologne in cooperation with Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe Köln (StEB Köln) and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)

Connective Cities

Ideas to emulate – Sustainable urban development planning in Germany

2023 - Study tour to Germany by the Department of Urban Planning and Planning Permission of Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan, in August 2022

Connective Cities

Learning experiences with construction waste management in crisis areas

2023 - Connective Cities virtual ad hoc event series in Germany

Connective Cities
