Publications - details

Establishing a Primary Healthcare Center

2024 - The Partnership between Al Mohammara (Lebanon) and Opfenbach (Germany)


GIZ & Engagement Global with its Agency Communities in One World


In Northern Lebanon, the municipality of Al Mohammara confronts conflict, economic hardship, and a persistent refugee crisis. In the framework of the partnership with the German town of Opfenbach that started in 2018, Al Mohammara decided to address the urgent need for accessible healthcare.

Amid Lebanon's economic crisis and an extremely high inflation rate, Al Mohammara's annual budget is insufficient to cover basic services provided by the municipality. Recognized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) as among Lebanon's most vulnerable municipalities. The implementation of the Primary Healthcare Center project faced significant economic difficulties, primarily in the form of financial challenges during the construction phase.

However, the ongoing partnership between Al Mohammara and Opfenbach is yielding remarkable outcomes for the diverse local population. Despite facing economic challenges and regional tensions, the establishment of the Primary Healthcare Center has evolved from a simple idea into a two-floor, 1000-square-meter facility. Once, the center is operational, it will become a crucial provider of basic healthcare in the Akkar region.


Further information:

Securing medical care in Lebanon

Interview: Building a primary healthcare centre in challenging times




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