Publications - details

Gender and Urban Transport: Smart and Affordable

2018 - Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities


Mike Kunieda, Aimée Gauthier


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH


Transportation systems make cities function. They are the critical link between activities, productive or repoductive, of a thriving metropolis. They are both a cause and effect of urban development. Transport contributes to quality of life and personal well-being by enabling individuals to access health care, education, and employment, which ultimately leads to greater productivity and ecnomic growth.

This module has been developed to look at where gender and urban transport intersect, specifically in developing countries. It brings existing studies and current best practices together, to offer policymakers ways to address gender and urban transport from the perspective of men, women, the elderly, the youth and the disabled.



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