Publications - details

Settlement Profiling Tool

2020 - A spatial analysis framework for settlements accomodating displaced populations


Laura Petrella, Yuka Terada, et. al


UN-Habitat | UNHCR


The Settlement Profiling Tool, developed by UN-Habitat in partnership with UNHCR, sets out the framework for preparing cross-sectoral spatial profiles which are intended to help inform urban development policy decisions.

A settlement profile is not a plan. It is instead a repository of spatial information that can be used to inform planning and development. The information is mapped and can include broad demographic data, from information on mobility and infrastructure to environmental studies. By going beyond analysis to provide recommendations or outlined scenarios that are relevant to policy, settlement profiles help establish political priorities and entry points for discussions with partners, communities and local governments about what to plan, where and when.

This settlement profiling tool is particularly focused on situations where protracted displacement has occurred, and supports a shift towards prioritising development interventions. The profile outputs should provide a concise and useful framework to help target investment in recovery situations. A settlement profile is intended to be used in conjunction with existing policies, organisational mandates, technical guidelines and studies to further support humanitarian actors. In particular, this includes UNHCR operations (e.g. country-level coordinators) when operating in urban contexts, which require a multi-faceted understanding of the specific conditions, dynamics and systems unique to urban and urban-like areas.



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UN-Habitat | UNHCR

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