
07/11/2018  // Magistratssaal im Rathaus Obere Königsstraße 8 34117 Kassel

Best practice in the implementation of mobility plans

2nd National Workshop as part of the CIVITAS PROSPERITY project on SUMP [in German only]

After the first workshop of the CIVITAS PROSPERITY project on "The strategic importance of urban mobility plans" in November last year in Berlin, the second PROSPERITY event will take place in Kassel on 7 November 2018.

The presentations and discussions will focus on effective implementation strategies for transport development plans (VEP) and sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP). How can a SUMP be effectively implemented to achieve the intended impacts?

<link https: veranstaltungen best-practice-bei-der-umsetzung-von-mobilitaetsplaenen.html _blank external-link-new-window zur>Weitere Informationen

[in German only]
