

Tourism: a pillar for local development and reconciliation

Review of a discussion event in Aley caza, Lebanon, 10 June 2023

Panel discussion

Aley Caza in Lebanon was one of the most prominent touristic destinations in the Middle East during the 1970s. The civil war and its impacts have deprived this region from its competitive advantage leading to the deterioration of tourism specifically and local development in general. Connective Cities has organised an event on the premises of the American University for Science and Technology to discuss with local actors, the potential revitalisation of tourism through the development of a local strategy and establishing a Destination Management (and Marketing) Organisation (DMO). With the participation of more than 200 representatives of municipalities and local organisations, the event revealed high interest and commitment to this concept. Several follow-up activities will be organised including:

  • a co-creation workshop in August 2023 to map the existing stakeholders in the field of local touristic development, including municipalities, eco-tourism organisations and hospitality service operators.
  • Developing a committee that will serve as a DMO to promote a pilot touristic trail in the area and formulate a local strategy for promotion of touristic destinations in Aley.


Shalan Muna | Connective Cities
