Refugee Friendly Municipalities’ Options towards Integration and Social Cohesion

Dialogue-Workshop in the framework of the “Municipal Know-how for Host Communities in the Middle-East”-Program in Istanbul



Connective Cities organized in cooperation with the Qudra-Programme and UCLG-MEWA a dialogue-workshop with the topic “Refugee Friendly Municipalities’ Options towards Integration and Social Cohesion”. This workshop addressed refugee-hosting municipalities from Turkey and Germany. Through an interactive methodology, participating experts had the chance to discuss peer-to-peer challenges and opportunities for strengthening integration and social cohesion as well as improving municipal public service provision in the context of flight.

The dialogue-event took place from 08 – 10 November 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. 9 German and 38 Turkish experts exchanged their experiences on integration of refugees and strengthening social cohesion. Thereby, German and Turkish representatives of urban municipalities, NGOs, science, governmental institutions, the private sector and organizations of intermunicipal cooperation participated. During the workshop, project ideas were elaborated in peer-to-peer consultations. Also new project ideas were identified with the aim to implement them in potential partnerships between German and Turkish municipalities.

Connective Cities organized this event in the framework of the <link - external-link-new-window "Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">“Municipal Know-how for Host Communities in the Middle-East”-Program.


Following aspects of integration of refugees and strengthening social cohesion were in the focus of the workshop:

  • Strengthening the integration of refugees through language learning, skill-development, intercultural learning, extracurricular activities and adult education;

  • Facilitating social integration of refugees by means of joint activities with refugee hosting communities;

  • Expanding municipal public service systems for refugees and hosting societies by mobilizing social commitments and improving coordination with governmental systems in service delivery;

  • Facilitating activities, which support the integration of refugees into the labor market.

The aim of the workshop was to facilitate peer-to-peer consultations among the participating municipal experts and to develop new project ideas for implementation by potential municipal partnerships between German and Turkish municipalities. For this, following working steps were implemented

  • Exchange of Good Practices from Germany and Turkey on local social inclusion of refugees;

  • Peer-to-peer consultation based on concrete challenges and questions of German and Turkish experts;

  • Definition of action plans for the implementation of developed project ideas by potential municipal partnerships

The complete program in English language is available here


Ingrid Roesner, Connective Cities/GIZ, Germany and Benjamin Jeromin, Connective Cities/Engagement Global/ Service Agency Communities in the One World, Germany
Introduction of Connective Cities and the “Municipal Know-how for Host Communities in the Middle-East”-Program (EN)

Suemeyye Gedikoğlu and Nebahat Başibüyük Tekin, Union of Municipalities of Turkey
Municipal Context and Services for Refugees in Turkey (TR)

Ingrid Roesner, Connective Cities/GIZ, Germany
Municipal Context and Services for Refugees in Germany (EN)

Benjamin Jeromin, Connective Cities/Engagement Global/ Service Agency Communities in the One World, Germany
Prospects for Further Engagement with Connective Cities and the Municipal Know how Initiative (EN)


 Welcome Remarks:

Burak Yaşar, Directorate General of Migration Management, Turkey 

Mehmet Duman, Secretary General, UCLG-MEWA 

Ingrid Rösner, Connective Cities/GIZ 

Günther Taube, Qudra-Program/GIZ 

Michael Reiffenstuel, German Consul General in Istanbul



Good Practices from Germany:   

Stefanie Helbert, Community College Rhein-Erft, Germany
Language and Integration Courses: Studying Successfully for Daily Life, Free Time and Work (EN)
Dil ve Entegrasyon Kursları: Günlük hayat, boş zaman ve iş için başarılı bir şekilde çalışma (TR)

Miriam Totzke, Office for Social and Family Affairs, City of Ravensburg, Germany
Using Welcome-tools for Orientation and Intercultural Communication (EN)
Oryantasyon ve kültürlerarası iletişim için karşılama araçları (TR)

Anna-Katharina Muehleis, Municipal Integration Center, City of Oberhausen, Germany and Andrea Schreiber, Terre des Hommes, City of Oberhausen, Germany
Project Series „Creating Encounters (EN)
„Bir araya gelme fırsatlarının yaratılması“ Proje dizisi (TR)

Johanna Small, Champions ohne Grenzen e.V., Berlin, Germany
start2coachEmpowering Refugees as Sports Leaders: A Chance for Sport and Local Communities (EN)

Seda Raß-Turgut, Department for Social Services and Commissioner for Integration, City of Osnabrueck, Germany
From Initial Reception to Regular Integration Management: Caring for Refugees in Osnabrueck (EN)
İlk kabulden düzenli entegrasyon yönetimine: Osnabrueck şehrindeki mültecilerin bakımının üstlenmesi (TR) 

Anna Piętak-Malinowska, District Bautzen, Germany
Extend Local Public Services by Mobilizing Social Engagement and Improved Co-ordination of District Administration (EN)
„Sosyal katılım ve iyileştirilmiş ilçe koordinasyonunun harekete geçirilmesiyle yerel kamu hizmetlerinin genişletilmesi." (TR)

Jens Wolf, District Leinebergland, Germany
Integration of Refugees in the Job Market (EN)
Mültecilerin İş Piyasasına Entegrasyonu (yerel bir yaklaşım) (TR)

Patrick Rein, District Administration Tempelhof-Schoeneberg, Berlin, Germany
Project: Refugees in Work  (EN)
Proje: Mülteciler çalışıyor (TR)   


Good Practices from Turkey:  

Sait Altıparmak, Director of Migrants and Refugees Affairs Department, Adana, Türkei
Project for Enhancing Social Cohesion at Local Level Through Capacity Building of Migrants and Refugees Assembly (EN)

Kenan Gültürk, Deputy Mayor, Bağcılar, Türkei
Eliminating Prejudice in Municipal Employees (EN)
Belediye Çalışanlarında Önyargıların Kırılması Projesi (TR)

Mehmet Uğur Tunceli, Director of Social Welfare Affairs Department, Kilis, Türkei
An Exemplary Structuring in Ensuring Social Cohesion: Mansions and the Compassion Team (EN)

Özgür Oran, Directorate of Strategy Development, Kueçuekçekmece Municipality, Turkey
Child Caravan (EN)

Mustafa Yılmaz, Department Of External Relations, Metropolregion Konya, Türkei
Social Card Project (EN) 
Sosyal Kart Projesi (TR)

Şakir Aktar, External Relations Manager, Şahinbey Municipality, Turkey
Refugees in Şahinbey Overcome the Language Barrier (EN)
‘‘Şahinbeyli Mülteciler Dil Bariyerini Aşıyor’’ (TR)


The three-day event facilitated the participants to intensively exchange on challenges and potential solutions for the integration of refugees and strengthening social cohesion in refugee hosting municipalities. This was enhanced through an interactive methodology that was applied during the workshop. This included poster-presentations, rounds of discussions, peer-to-peer consultation as well as an excursion to Bağcılar Municipality. Here, the participants visited a Women and Family Arts and Culture Center, a Center for Disabled People and WALD, an NGO supporting refugees in registration, access to services, psychosocial needs, etc. Through this methodology, the participants could exchange their individual experiences and expertise intensively within the four main topics of the workshop.

In the opening ceremony of the event, selected Turkish mayors presented the current state as well as challenges and potential solutions of refugee management in Turkey during a panel discussion. Through this, the participants got an overview on the topic as well as the local context of the event. The discussion with Turkish mayors also highlighted the need for implementation of innovative ideas. This served as a constructive starting point for further input from the participants. 

Subsequently, German and Turkish experts presented Good Practices of the integration of refugees and strengthened social cohesion. These allowed the reflection of challenges and potential solutions the individual municipal experts are experiencing in their every-day work. Questions and suggestions were thereby elaborated in peer-to-peer consultations.  

Based on the results of the poster-presentations, rounds of discussions, as well as peer-to-peer consultations, 6 concrete project ideas were developed during the event and were presented and discussed in the plenary at the end of the workshop. The development of these project ideas benefited greatly of the expertise of the present municipal experts, which enhanced the critical reflection and therefore enhanced the conceptualization of project ideas.  

The presented project ideas were measures aiming to enhance the integration of refugees and social cohesion in refugee hosting municipalities. The projects included: Enhancing the provision of language courses, developing integration centers, enhancing municipal public service provision for refugees and other local communities, strengthening vocational trainings of refugees as well as strengthening the integration of women and other vulnerable social groups.  

The participating municipal experts of the dialogue-workshop implemented by Connective Cities, Qudra-Programme and UCLG-MEWA in Istanbul, Turkey, continue to work on these 6 project ideas. For this, Connective Cities facilitates a follow-up workshop in February 2019 with the aim to make existing project ideas more concrete and/or develop new project ideas, which can be implemented by potential partnerships of German and Turkish municipalities. 


The complete report in English language is available here soon.

The complete report in Turkish language is available here soon.


Categories: Connective Cities Documentation Integrated urban development
Regions: Turkey Istanbul


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