Cluster: Good Urban Governance


Sustainable, informed and participatory land management and land use planning in rapidly growing cities in Sub Saharan Africa

01/09/2021 to 02/11/2021

Connective Cities Sub Saharan Africa organized a three part series of workshops on the topic of ‘Sustainable, informed…


Promoting Energy Efficiency through innovative city-led projects

18/05/2021 to 20/05/2021
virtual event

Within the ambit of the learning process on municipal energy efficiency projects in MENA, the virtual dialogue event was…


Sustainable Urban Energy Planning in Southeast Europe

17/05/2021 to 21/05/2021
virtueal event

Approximately 90 experts and urban practitioners from more than 30 municipalities within 9 countries of Southeast…


Sustainable, Informed and Participatory Land Management and Land Use Planning in Rapidly Growing Cities

11/05/2021 to 14/05/2021
virtual event

On the 11th, 12th & 14th of May 2021, Connective Cities held a dialogue event to address the topics of integrating…


Strengthening the local implementation of SDGs through local reviews and monitoring

26/04/2021 to 29/04/2021
Bonn Germany

Local and regional governments are essential partners for monitoring and reporting on progress in localising the…


Sustainable and resilient, regional and intermunicipal land management

18/11/2020 to 20/11/2020
virtuelle Konferenz

The three sustainability dimensions "ecologically sound", "economically successful" and "socially just" are always in…

