Bielefeld Initiative for Energies of the Future and Energy Efficiency

The network for municipal climate protection


In 2006 the City of Bielefeld’s industrial development company founded the Bielefeld Initiative for Energies of the Future and Energy Efficiency (BIZE) with the aim of adopting a municipal approach to positioning Bielefeld in the field of energy efficiency and energies of the future.


By 2020 the city of Bielefeld aims to achieve the ambitious target of saving 40 percent CO2 and using 20 percent renewable energy. BIZE is an important actor in this process, especially with regard to the task of integrating local industry.


The "Bielefeld Initiative for Energies of the Future and Energy Efficiency (BIZE)" defines climate change mitigation as a task that has to be tackled jointly by industry, science, cities and municipalities. The initiative seeks to bundle and develop a wide variety of approaches in the fields of energy efficiency and energies of the future.


The key tasks of this initiative included a special focus on devising a concept for building refurbishment and thermal insulation. On the basis of a decision by Bielefeld City Council to reduce CO2 emissions by 40 percent by 2020 and raise the renewable share of energy consumption to 20 percent, BIZE has been working on the following fields:

  • Network for energy advice and promotion measures,
  • Improving training and qualifications,
  • Cooperation between multiple craft trades,
  • Energy efficiency/renewable energy in trade and industry.

In addition to a focus on devising advisory and information services, the activities also involved promotion programmes run by the energy utilities for solar thermal systems, heat pumps, biogas, biomass and thermal insulation, and a special credit programme by the local savings bank. The initiative also developed strategies for using urban roofs and open spaces for photovoltaic systems, and for energy-saving refurbishment of municipal and private buildings. In addition, Stadtwerke Bielefeld GmbH drew up a viable future energy supply concept committed in particular to the Federal Government’s goals (reduction in CO2 emissions; use of renewable energy), but also to sustainable economic efficiency and Bielefeld’s requirements with regard to energy supply security.


Founded in 2010, the association "KlimaTisch Bielefeld e.V." evolved from the working groups within the network of practitioners. Its 40 members are mainly active in the field of craft trades, energy consultancy and architecture. Another organisation founded was the "Bielefelder Beratungsnetzwerk Altbau (BiBAlt)", which focuses on energy-saving refurbishment advice for the private sector. The 130-strong association "Netzwerk Energie Impuls OWL", with similar goals to BIZE, had previously been established for the region of East Westphalia/Lippe. This association is committed not only to promoting the use of renewable energy and developing a knowledge and project network for businesses and institutions, but also to the training of highly motivated experts in this field.


The initiative organized networking of companies and users for new projects successfully through workshops and forums or with top-class technical events.

Important impulses for technical innovations were developed in the field of constructing new buildings, in addition, special attention is paid to the existing stock of buildings.

The initiative successfully supports the city of Bielefeld in achieving the ambitious climate protection targets and in saving 40 percent CO2 by 2020 and using 20 percent of renewable energies.

Further Information

wege bielefeld 
Wirtschaftsentwicklungsgesellschaft der Stadt Bielefeld 

Energie Impuls OWL
Netzwerk für Zukunftsenergien 

KlimaTisch Bielefeld e.V. 
Das Netzwerk der Praktiker zur Website

Published: 19/05/2014



Categories: Integrated urban development Cities and climate change Local economic development Fostering innovation
Regions: Europe Germany Bielefeld


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