
16.05.2019  // Scotland House Rond-Point Schuman 6 1040 Brussels Belgium

Circular Cities – Innovating to tackle plastic waste

A special conference on the circularity of plastics in Europe’s urban environments.

"The collaboration between ICLEI Europe and the PlastiCircle project will gather EU policy makers, cities, industry and civil society for a full-day interactive conference. The conference will look at the key questions of the day: the future of plastics in Europe, the potential for turning waste into resource, what EU policies on plastics mean for cities, businesses and consumers, and the role of innovation in bringing circularity to urban Europe. [...]"

Further information and registration forms will be posted soon on the PlastiCircle website, the ICLEI Europe website: <link http: plasticircle.eu news-events external-link-new-window internal link in current>More Info

