

Competitive Cities for Jobs and Growth: What, Who, and How

Analysis of 750 cities to determine what makes them competitive

Cities are the future. They’re where people live and work and hubs for growth and innovation. But they’re also poles of poverty and, much too often, centers of unemployment.

One way to address this challenge is to improve a city’s competitiveness, transforming average cities into flourishing urban centers that successfully facilitate firm and industry growth to create jobs, raise productivity and increase incomes.

A team at the World Bank Group has been working since January 2014 on a series of analyses that looked at two central questions: what makes a city competitive; and how can more cities become competitive. The resulting report, <link http: www.connective-cities.net bibliothek external-link cities for jobs and>Competitive Cities for Jobs and Growth: What, Who, and How shows that improving the competitiveness of cities can help eliminate extreme poverty and promote prosperity for all citizens.

erstellt von:
Competitive Industries and Innovation Program | World Bank
