The international exchange platform Connective Cities invites municipal practitioners to the Dialogue Event on Municipal sustainable energy production: planning and implementing innovative solutions, to be held in Würzburg, Germany from 9 to 11 May 2016.
The event is geared towards both German and international municipal actors with an interest in and first-hand experience in innovative sustainable energy production and its planning. Municipal actors include representatives of municipalities as well as representatives from civil society, academia and business, active in municipal projects in this thematic area. All participants are expected to engage proactively in the international dialogue by presenting their experience, showcasing examples of good practices in their municipality and/or identifying concrete challenges and needs they face.
Connective Cities is organising the event in collaboration with the City of Würzburg which plans to share its own experiences on this topic.
Additional information on the event can be found <link file:1525 download file>here.
If you are interested in participating or have further questions please contact:
Alice Balbo, <link> or
Alexander Wagner, <link>