
17.09.2017  - 19.09.2017  // Cologne Germany

Financing mechanisms for municipal sanitation services - ensuring sustainable local service provision and infrastructure

Call for participants - Connective Cities Dialogue Event to be held in Cologne, Germany

The event is geared towards both German and international municipal actors with an interest in and firsthand experience in financing of municipal services in waste and wastewater management. Municipal actors include representatives of municipalities as well as representatives from municipally owned service companies, from civil society, academia and the business sector, active in financing municipal services in this thematic area. All participants are expected to engage proactively in the international dialogue by presenting their experience, showcasing examples of good practices in their municipality and/or identifying concrete challenges and needs they face.

Connective Cities is organising the event in collaboration with the City of Cologne and Cologne’s relevant municipal companies dealing with sanitation issues. They will share their own experiences with financing mechanisms for municipal services related to waste and wastewater management.

The aim of the exchange is to show the possibilities of planning and implementing financing models in different local contexts, to check the regional applicability of the presented solutions and to discuss the respective challenges. The event in Cologne will foster learning among participants through presentation of good practices and project ideas that can be further communicated and implemented in the respective home communities.

Further information: <link file:3587 _blank download file>Call for participants [pdf, 3 pp., 420 kb]


If you wish to participate and actively contribute to the dialogue event as well as if you have any queries about it, we encourage you to contact us.

Alice Balbo, <link mail internal link in current>alice.balbo@engagement-global.de, +49 (0)228-20717633

Alexander Wagner, <link mail internal link in current>alexander.wagner@engagement-global.de, +49 (0)228-20717455
