

German municipalities align their administrations with the Sustainable Development Goals

70 cities have signed a sustainability charter that expresses municipal commitment.

In order to contextualise pilot experiences of localizing in German municipalities, the UCLG learning team was invited to observe and comments the results of the project “Sustainable Communities of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW)” managed by the working group NRW LAG and Engagement Global took place on 23rd March in the municipality of Eschweiler.

The director of UCLG Learning, Sara Hoeflich, who participated in the mayors’ roundtable, welcomed the German municipalities to the global community and reminded that there are many cities and municipalities engaging with the global agenda by transforming villages, neighborhoods, cities or administrations with a view to a better, one world.  

Representing the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which has been funding the initiative, Doris Witteler Stiepelmann , head of the local authorities and federal states division at BMZ, highlighted the contribution of cities to the global agenda, emphasizing global responsibility and solidarity.

For its part, the German city of Muenster is an excellent pilot city to align the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the municipal agenda. In the city of approximately 300,000 inhabitants, in the heart of North Rhine Westphalia, sustainability is understood to reach far beyond environmental strategy.

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