One billion people all over the world face the challenges of being excluded from a modern society. This figure is rising fast! If no action is taken, 3 billion people will live in slums by 2030. The story describes two of UN-Habitat's particpatory slum upgrading projects on the outskirts of Mtwapa in Kenya.
Majengo's water kiosk is part of a slum rehabilitation pilot project implemented in 2014 by <link https:>UN-Habitat's Participatory Slum Upgrading Project (PSUP) in collaboration with its partners, the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, the European Commission and the Government of Kenya.
Majengo and Mzambarauni, two settlement areas on the outskirts of Mtwapa, are in the process of being transformed from densely populated shanty towns that developed haphazardly - into neighbourhoods that meet planning guidelines and requirements. The new plan will give every resident access to clean drinking water and a toilet, as well as providing adequate roads and safe living spaces. UN-Habitat works on the principle of community participation. The residents of both villages have a say in how they want to live from now going forward and they also participate substantially in developing their own communities.
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