

Migrantour - intercultural urban routes

Migrant-led walking tours in European cities are enhancing mutual comprehension and respect.

Multi-ethnic neighbourhoods demonstrate how much migration can contribute to the enrichment and transformation of European cities. An endless number of individual stories are waiting to be told and heard to support genuinely intercultural exchange. This is the idea behind the European Migrantour project which gives migrant citizens a leading role. Today in sixteen cities - of which 10 in Italy - walking tour participants can experience a new kind of urban tourism that raises mutual understanding and respect.

More information: 

<link http: www.mygrantour.org wp-content uploads migrantour_eng_light.pdf external-link-new-window internal link in current>MIGRANTOUR, the world within cities (pdf-download)

<link http: www.mygrantour.org en migrantour external-link-new-window internal link in current>The project “MygranTour: a European network of migrant driven intercultural routes to understand cultural diversity”

<link https: www.theguardian.com cities aug external-link-new-window internal link in current>The Guardian Cities: 'We are human beings too': migrant-led walking tours tackle hate in Italian cities
